Assassin Creed 3 Full PC Game Download

Assassin's Creed III is a 2012 action-adventure video game developed by Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii U, and Microsoft Windows.
I suggest you to play AC1 and AC2 Befor this game AC1 and AC2 link is gevin below.

You May Also Like-> Assassin Creed 2 PC Game 6.31 GB Download

Following the events of Assassin's Creed: Revelations, the game explores the life of an 18th-century assassin in Colonial America during the American Revolution; a half-English, half-Mohawk man named Ratonhnhaké:ton, also known as Connor, whose father is Grand Master of the Templar Order in the colonies. Connor is caught up in the Assassins' conflict with the Templar order when his Native American village is attacked by the Templars, who intend to seize control of the newly forming country.
Connor's story spans through two decades of his life. From his childhood in 1760 to 1783. Boston and New York City are cities that can be explored, as well as the American Colonial Frontier, spanning forest, cliffs, rivers, Connor's Mohawk village, and the settlements of Lexington, and Concord. The player can hunt small and large animals, and approximately one third of the story takes place in the Frontier. The city of Philadelphia can also be visited at one point during the game, as can The Caribbean during several naval missions. The entire Eastern seaboard is also explorable via Connor's captaining his naval warship, the Aquila.

Free running has been simplified to allow for more fluid parkour in the cities and wilderness, such as climbing and running on trees, mountains, cliffs, etc. Close combat has been modified, allowing Connor to dual-wield weapons and take down multiple opponents at once and players no longer need to manage the lock-on mechanic. Aiding this, Connor has access to a wide range of weapons which include muskets, swords, pistols, native weapons such as the tomahawk and bow and arrow, a rope dart (used to pull foes or hang them, while on a tree) as well as the Hidden Blades. In addition, the left Hidden Blade has a folding mechanism for blocking attacks, skinning an animal, and performing high-profile assassinations. Human shields can be used against firing lines of enemies. Medicine is no longer used as health recovers automatically. Stealth is also revamped, allowing players to use natural elements such as tall grass and trees to hide, along with the ability to blend between any two people.

Rating and Release->
The rating of this game is very good Steam rated this game 7/10 and IGN 8.5/10 and GamesPot rating is same like IGN So its confirmed that this game is very good.
Assassin's Creed III was released in 30 October 2012, This game was developed by Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft and this game is also available for many platform like PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii U, and Microsoft Windows, 

AC3 Minimum System Requirement

  • Operating System: Windows 98/ Windows XP/ Windows 7/ Windows 8 & Windows 10
  • Ram: 2 GB Memory
  • Processor: 2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo E8200 or 2.66 GHz AMD Athlon II X4 620
  • Hard Drive: 17 GB at least free hard drive
  • Video Memory: 512 Mb Of video Ram
  • Sound Card: Direct X compatible sound card
  • DirectX: Direct X 9.0c or newer version
  • Mouse and Keyboard

AC3 Recommended System Requirement

  • Operating System: Windows 98/ Windows XP/ Windows 7/ Windows 8 & Windows 10
  • Ram: 4 GB Memory
  • Processor:  2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo E8200 or 2.66 GHz AMD Athlon II X4 940
  • Hard Drive: 17 GB at least free hard drive
  • Video Memory: 1024 Mb Of video Ram
  • Sound Card: Direct X compatible sound card
  • DirectX: Direct X 9.0 or newer version
  • Mouse and Keyboard

Assassin Creed 3 Screenshots

How to Install and Play

First thing you have to extract this game in your PC with Winrar when you will extract this game it will ask for file password just put the password given below, Then go to extracted folder and install the game and play.

Game File Size-> 5.3 GB
Game File Password->


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